Transgender Videos

coping tips, Gender Dysphoria, potential issues Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva coping tips, Gender Dysphoria, potential issues Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva

The Importance of Integrating Past & Present Gender Identities.

Throughout transition, people often tend to negate their past gender identity. This happens primarily due to Gender Dysphoria and an inner need to get rid of any shreds of the past. The truth is, many parts of your past gender are vital to your whole Self and need to be integrated.

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coping tips, Gender Dysphoria, questioning, potential issues Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva coping tips, Gender Dysphoria, questioning, potential issues Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva

Affirming Steps to Take and How to Know You are On the Right Track!

When exploring your gender identity, it can be confusing to know which steps to take. Especially when it comes to affirming steps and how to spot them. Affirming steps, or small tasks on the way to your bigger goal, are vital to knowing you are on the right track.

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coping tips, Gender Dysphoria, potential issues, questioning Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva coping tips, Gender Dysphoria, potential issues, questioning Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva

Trans Identity Does Not Always Equal Transition!

People who are not comfortable with their gender assigned at birth, end up under the wide meaning of the word “trans.” As a result, many often assume that if you identify as transgender, you have to transition. The truth is, not everyone who identifies as trans needs or wants to transition.

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coping tips, potential issues, questioning Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva coping tips, potential issues, questioning Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva

How to Deal with Group Pressures to Transition?

It can be exciting to be a part of LGBTQ group especially as you become aware of your true sense of self. While groups are important for many reasons, they also carry potential dangers. One of which is peer pressure to conform. In this video, I discuss such pressures and ways you can cope with it.

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coping tips, Gender Dysphoria, potential issues, questioning, top5 Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva coping tips, Gender Dysphoria, potential issues, questioning, top5 Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva

De-Transition Stories! What Can We Learn From Them?

De-transition stories are real! Valid! And important for all of us to hear! There is much to learn from this stories and to understand about gender transition and gender at large. Lately, there have been more people sharing their stories of de-transition. Watch as I discuss in this video what can we learn from this individual narratives.

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Does Gender Dysphoria Ever Goes Away?

Many of my YouTube viewers often wonder if Gender Dysphoria ever fully goes away once you transition. Especially given that many start gender transition with hopes of completely eliminating feelings of Gender Dysphoria. But does it ever fully goes away? And if not, what tends to contribute to it?

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coping tips, potential issues, top5, transition Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva coping tips, potential issues, top5, transition Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva

Feel Like Imposter as a Transgender Person? Here is How to Deal With It!

When you start to transition or when you have completed any parts of gender transition, you may start experiencing feelings of inferiority. These feelings may often manifest as: feeling as if you don’t belong, fear that someone might discover you are transgender, and feelings of “faking” who you are.

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coping tips, potential issues, transition Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva coping tips, potential issues, transition Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva

What are the Dangers of Overcompensating with Your Biological Sex?

When you struggle with Gender Dysphoria, you will often utilize a number of defenses in order to help you cope with it. Some of the defenses are called adaptive in psychology. Meaning, they help you as an individual. Others, are called maladaptive. They aren’t helpful and in some ways are actually harming you.

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coping tips, Gender Dysphoria, potential issues, questioning Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva coping tips, Gender Dysphoria, potential issues, questioning Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva

Age 40 & up! Here are Tips on How To Break Cycle of Self Doubt!

Self doubting your gender identity is very common, especially the older you are. As you continue to self doubt over the years, without being aware, you are actually accumulating a compounding negative investment of emotions. In this video, I discuss and share ways you can break out of the cycle of self doubt.

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